Sunday, February 26, 2006

Dinner with the Pollaks

Zoomed home from work for our night at the Pollaks. Sivan got the Ericmeister ready and after saying goodbye to Snoopy and Seven we were on our way.

We made it to the Pollaks at 7PM. Upon arrival I
thought that my dad's car the one Joy was driving had another flat tire(Oren informed she had one that morning). So I got Joy very concerned and nervous, but it was not Abba's car in the end it was Zvi's car! So small mix up but everything worked out on that front.

Dinner was great that night we had tasty fish and spicy potatoes Shirley Pollak Style! Edan came by for a quickie dinner before he raced up North for his -20 degree skiing. So it was a really good Goldman/Pollak collaboration. Little Eric even told me at the end of the night he had a great time and that he likes it when Oren handles his special deposits. He also told me he had a lot of fun when Shirley holds him. After dinner we watched some Seinfeld Bloopers and closed the night off with some Israely TV from the Dish. We got to see the best of "Eretz Nehederet" which was really cool. By the time we left Zvi and BJ were tired out and Eric wanted to go home to bed! (CLICK ON THE PICTURES TO VIEW IN FULL SCREEN)

Zvi finishes the night with BJ
Goodbye Pollaks, we had a great time!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Goodbye Ricki, we will see you soon . . .

Well Ricki went back to Israel Sunday evening via prague. She had a good time here, brought some of the warm weather with her from Israel and she will be missed. We thank her for all her help and Eric and Sivan cannot wait until they see her in a 2 months, and the Goldmans can't wait to see the Rehans when they come back to Montreal or we meet in Israel.
We went out to TonyDeSud on Saturday night before she left for some good Italian food, which was very nice.
Her flight left without a hitch and we will all miss her, lots of love from Sivan, Yoni and Eric.

Bye bye Grandma Ricki, I will miss you!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Trip to westmount . . .

Took the family out for a walk on the weekend was really fun. Walked from our place to Westmount. The weather was relatively mild toppng out around 6 degees celcius. Everyone had fun and the walk was good too. Tied the snooper where ever we needed to, he took it pretty well. Went in for an hour to SECOND CUP and Eric, Sivan, Snoopy and Ricky had a very good time. I had rich yet delicious chocolate cake, and they had coffee with a chocolate buscuit.

By four o'clock we began to head back since I was worried it would get cold, Eric would wake up or it would be to dark to get back. Aside from that the way back was quite quick only taking about 30-40 minutes.

Sivan in front of SECOND CUP in WESTMOUNT

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Chillin with the Snooper

Hey Everyone,

Eric had a very good time chilling with snoopy last night as they watched lost together. Fun time already.Sivan's dad took a nice picture of her and the baby she wanted in the blog so here it is below!