Monday, May 29, 2006

Eric's Big BBQ Day!

With a spectacular 25 degrees of beautiful sun the goldmans united under the blue skies to enjoy the day. Eric got a little park time, Sivan and JP got a little bike time, and I got a little rest and BBQ time.
It all came together at the end of the day. The food was good the company was good and the day was great. Eric kicked the day off by getting ready with his pals Snoopy and Seven and wearing his new summer suit.
Sivan finally got to try out her new Moutain Bike, and also go to see Tina'a nephew Dillan-Luca. Eric all the while got to spend some quality time with the Grand-Parents.

Yoni on the BBQ

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Waiting to use the New Scooter

So finally picked up a second hand scooter from a dealer. Got a pretty good deal and I am itching o give it a little work out. For some reason it does not seem to stop raining here. We are going on 9 days straight and I am getting a little antsy. Anyways the weather should get better soon and hopefully will give a try.