Thursday, June 29, 2006

Eric hot new video

Hello All to view Eric in his hot new video click here.

Alll the best enjoy!

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Chief is In!

So big day for Eric yesterday. Got a bonus with the grandparents and enjoyed himself on a beautiful day. Sivan and I went Biking for a few hours so we left him there with the Snooper. Him and the Snooper were tired out by the time we got home. Snoopy stole 3 raw hamburgers right before I was supposed to put them on the grill. Yechech!

Waterfalls in Rawdon!

Beautiful sunny days this past weekend during the Fete National - Grand Prix long weekend in Quebec. We took a short but nice trip up to Rawdon to see the waterfalls there and get in a little hiking. Eric B and Sivan enjoyed themselves a lot. Saw a few cows and some farms and then headed up toward the waterfalls. The water falls were pretty intense. They flow extremly rapidly down and then at the bottom it is very calm like a quiet pond.
We then did some hiking since this is also a Quebec national park. Lots of things to see along t
he river. We put Eric in the baby-bjorn so he could see all the animals and the views as we hiked.
We had a short stop over on the way back to enjoy the view of a beautiful stream and to let Eric have lunch. On top of that it was really hot peaking at around 29 degrees plus humidity.