Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Party Dec 31. 2005

Happy New Year and welcome to 2006.

Had a lot of fun at the party last night at Jill's. JIll was very gracious to have it at her house! Good time looks like the last one for a little while since the baby is coming any day now.

There was lots of food. Too much, but it was very good especially the Sweet and Sour Chicken. Pasta was good too and Sivan made spinach salad which was scrumptious.

It was a lot of fun that everyone was ina good mood and enjoyed themselves.
As the night progressed people got more and more wasted! I kept waiting for someone to vomit, . . but it never happened. I know Tina and Cindy had a very good time!

We all know that Tina and Rob Schneider (Raffi Ron) has a fun time dancing.

All the best Jonathan


At 10:50 PM, January 02, 2006, Blogger Jonno G. said...

this is an awesome post!!!

At 10:54 PM, January 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll say

At 8:43 AM, January 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:48 AM, January 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Yoni and Sivan,

Mazel Tov! He is gorgeous and I wish you all the joy in the world (and maybe some sleep thrown in somewhere).

Marsha Lustigman


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