Thursday, January 05, 2006

There is a NEW Goldman in the House!!!

The day started out great but by 10AM we were already at St-Mary's. Sivan said, "yeh I think my water Broke!" It was so little water we could not tell. It Took the hospital about an hour, and they came back and said you are going to have to stay and wait, it is probably coming today. So by 11AM we were in the delivery room with a wonderful nurse called "Karen" taking care of us.
I tried to do my best to help Sivan but I was not so good. I encouraged her a lot but then at around 3 PM they began to induce her. Just around that time they changed nurses to one called Julie, and Joy showed up to lend a helping hand and our delivery team was complete.
Then we basically waited it out from 3-7PM they induced sivan till around 4.5 cm. At that point Sivan took the epidural. Joy and I went to get some snacks and came back to find Sivan in a much better mood. They began to induce her again at around 9 PM. From then things moved fast. By 10 She was ready to push the baby out. So 10:05 a student doctor and regular doctor came and asked if she wants to push now or wait a little bit because there is another patient that needs attention. The Doctor left and the student took over and Sivan started pushing anyways without waiting. She laughed the whole way through. The nurse said she never saw someone push out so fast during the last stage. Total time 24 minutes. And she lauphed and smiled the whole way through the end. GREAT JOB SIVAN!

This is how the baby looked when he came out.
He was 5 pounds 12 ounces. Born on January 4th, 2006 at 10:34PM. He is healthy and so is Sivan. May God Bless us all. PS- How he got blond we haven't figured out yet.

This morning Sivan was recovering, we both did not sleep much and are very tired. Both are still very healthy. Aside from that Ricki and Ilan, Sivan's Parents came to visit us and also Oren, Joy and Debbie. Everyone else will have to wait. The Bris will probably be next Thursday morning please wait for further details. Going back to the hospital now all the best to everyone.

This is junior as of this morning feeling good and sleeping well.

This is ricki when she arrived at the hospital straight from the Airport.


At 9:14 AM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, congratulations on your newborn. All the best to you and to your new family for the new year. I'll probably catch you one of these days on Earnscliffe..
Congrats again. Carl

At 9:59 AM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ליוני וסיוון היקרים
המון מזל טוב לרגל הולדת הבן
שתזכו לגדלו בנחת ובאושר
מקווים שסיוון והתינוק מרגישים טוב
הוא מקסים!!!!
ברכות גם לסבא ולסבתא החדשים
רפי וחיה
ולדודים הצעירים
נשיקות מתאיר צופית ואופיר עובדיה


At 10:39 AM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Jon! All the best to you, Sivan and the baby!

At 12:00 PM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mazal Tov, to Jonathan, Sivan and the new little Goldman! I wish you all the health and happiness in the world with your new family! What a year its going to be! Mabroooooooook!!!

At 7:19 PM, January 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov!!
We are so happy for you guys! Nothing can compare to this special time and it only gets better. Dylan can't wait to play with his new drinking buddy!

Lorie, Danny and Dylan Blumer


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