Thursday, January 12, 2006

Brit Mila for Eric Goes Great!

Hello Everyone,
Well the Brit MIla went extremly well. Eric almsost didn't cry the whole time he was there and he still feels good. The Rabbi did a great job, the morning prayers went very well and all of the guests that came enjoyed themselves a lot and gave wonderfull warm wishes! The Chevra Kadisha did a great job with the kosher catering and the reception was was a great success.
We woke up very early to get things going before the sun even came up. We flew through the morning prayers and by 8:45 AM began the Brit MIla. The Rabbi was a tall man with huge hands, in my opinion he was a basketball player in disguise or as my brother calls him Gandalf. There was blood but he treated it really quickly. It was not the most enjoyable thing to look at but what can you do.
Once the big event was over GANDALF made the blessing, everyone headed straight for the food, except me since I was to tired and nervous to eat. Many people came and wished us well and had a merry breakfast. The baby slept mostly for the next 2 housrs, maybe he was a little wasted from the wine the rabbi gave him.

A lot of Joy's friends were great! And my dad looked like he was pimpin with 2 cute chicks on his arm.
Aside from that everything went well Sivan's parents had a good time and so did her freinds. All the best until the next entry.



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