Monday, January 23, 2006

Baby is keeping us busy. . .

Well baby Eric is keeping us very busy these last few weeks. But that is ok. We went to my parents last weekend and this weekend for Friday night dinner and things went quite well. Everyone had a good time and most of the gang was there including Joy and Oren, Edan, and even Sivan's Parents. The second Dinner the week after Sivans parents were in Quebec city, but we got auntie Debbie as a bonus, so that was good too.

Also Sivan's second cousin Rina came into town to visit which was very nice. I think she had a good time they went up to Mont St-Sauver and also she vistied my mom's old work the CCA(Canadian Center for Architecture). She finished her whirl wind tour within 48 hours. We also took the baby out for the first time to a restauraunt. It went quite well considering we were very worried initially. So far everything is going very very good. Next week I will begin working in a more full time work week and we will see how it works out for Sivan. Ricky will be here a little longer to help her out, which is great! My parents have been pitching in a lot also which is fantastic.

As I said before, Sivan's parents went up to Quebec City last Friday, but not before they stopped at the ice hotel on the way.
The hotel impressed them a lot and they also enjoyed Quebec city. They also did the classic Quebec tour of the Chateu Frontenac. They had a little bit of a rough ride back though because there were heavy flurries coming down along the 20.
A few days later my dad also took Ilan to the car show. I think they had a good time there as well.


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