Sunday, March 19, 2006

Joy's Birthday Un-Surprise

Well Joy's birthday was not such a surprise in the end, but it was a very fun time. By the time I got there she already knew about the surprise by how many places were set at the table like 14! Everyone pitched in, Sivan made spinach salad and cous-cous (which my dad loves) and Shirley made her famous oriental salad which is super tasty and my mom put everything else together.

The poor snoopster couldn't come due the amount of people but I should have brought him anyways. Live and learn. . . anyways many of Joy's friends were there and Oren's parents rounded out the group. Joy had a very nice ice cream birthday cake. Renee, Katie, Laurence and Alana were there also. Eric slept most of the time but he woke up for a little bit at the end to say hello to everyone.

My parents I know enjoyed themselves immensly and even without the suprise Joy enjoyed herself. She got a cool Desperate Housewives board game and 2 new DVDs for her Disney Collection. Once eric woke up everyone played with him a bit and aside from that the night was a large success.

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