Friday, January 27, 2006

Shabat Shalom from the Goldmans

Well everyone came by this friday night which was really good! Oren was there to join the Goldmans and the Rehans made there final appearance until Ilan goes back to Israel on Sunday evening.

My mom made a really good dinner that night with tender juicy meat, and the food went down smooth. Everyone wanted to have a piece of Eric. So
when he woke up after dinner (or half woke up as they say) he had a few minutes to spend with everyone. Edan left a little early and was not lucky enough to stay to have his picture taken with the baby but we will catch him holding Eric soon. Zoe ditched and hid out in the other room. Snoopy never made it this time.

My mom spent a little time with him and enjoyed it a lot.

My sister and Oren showed there maternal/paternal insticts.
Overall the night was a success and everyone had a good time.


At 11:46 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this blog its awesome. Keep updating we love to hear about your son and fmamily.

All the best
your secret admirer

At 10:54 PM, January 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Yoni,
There seems to be a war in my computer between Avasti anti- virus and something called McAfee Product setup. I have the impression that they are incompatible and that I probably have to pay for the McAfee.
Should I call Dell? Please advise. I did receive an email from Avasti saying that I'm registered for one year.
Another secret admirer.


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