Friday, January 27, 2006

Shabat Shalom from the Goldmans

Well everyone came by this friday night which was really good! Oren was there to join the Goldmans and the Rehans made there final appearance until Ilan goes back to Israel on Sunday evening.

My mom made a really good dinner that night with tender juicy meat, and the food went down smooth. Everyone wanted to have a piece of Eric. So
when he woke up after dinner (or half woke up as they say) he had a few minutes to spend with everyone. Edan left a little early and was not lucky enough to stay to have his picture taken with the baby but we will catch him holding Eric soon. Zoe ditched and hid out in the other room. Snoopy never made it this time.

My mom spent a little time with him and enjoyed it a lot.

My sister and Oren showed there maternal/paternal insticts.
Overall the night was a success and everyone had a good time.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Baby is keeping us busy. . .

Well baby Eric is keeping us very busy these last few weeks. But that is ok. We went to my parents last weekend and this weekend for Friday night dinner and things went quite well. Everyone had a good time and most of the gang was there including Joy and Oren, Edan, and even Sivan's Parents. The second Dinner the week after Sivans parents were in Quebec city, but we got auntie Debbie as a bonus, so that was good too.

Also Sivan's second cousin Rina came into town to visit which was very nice. I think she had a good time they went up to Mont St-Sauver and also she vistied my mom's old work the CCA(Canadian Center for Architecture). She finished her whirl wind tour within 48 hours. We also took the baby out for the first time to a restauraunt. It went quite well considering we were very worried initially. So far everything is going very very good. Next week I will begin working in a more full time work week and we will see how it works out for Sivan. Ricky will be here a little longer to help her out, which is great! My parents have been pitching in a lot also which is fantastic.

As I said before, Sivan's parents went up to Quebec City last Friday, but not before they stopped at the ice hotel on the way.
The hotel impressed them a lot and they also enjoyed Quebec city. They also did the classic Quebec tour of the Chateu Frontenac. They had a little bit of a rough ride back though because there were heavy flurries coming down along the 20.
A few days later my dad also took Ilan to the car show. I think they had a good time there as well.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Brit Mila for Eric Goes Great!

Hello Everyone,
Well the Brit MIla went extremly well. Eric almsost didn't cry the whole time he was there and he still feels good. The Rabbi did a great job, the morning prayers went very well and all of the guests that came enjoyed themselves a lot and gave wonderfull warm wishes! The Chevra Kadisha did a great job with the kosher catering and the reception was was a great success.
We woke up very early to get things going before the sun even came up. We flew through the morning prayers and by 8:45 AM began the Brit MIla. The Rabbi was a tall man with huge hands, in my opinion he was a basketball player in disguise or as my brother calls him Gandalf. There was blood but he treated it really quickly. It was not the most enjoyable thing to look at but what can you do.
Once the big event was over GANDALF made the blessing, everyone headed straight for the food, except me since I was to tired and nervous to eat. Many people came and wished us well and had a merry breakfast. The baby slept mostly for the next 2 housrs, maybe he was a little wasted from the wine the rabbi gave him.

A lot of Joy's friends were great! And my dad looked like he was pimpin with 2 cute chicks on his arm.
Aside from that everything went well Sivan's parents had a good time and so did her freinds. All the best until the next entry.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Eric Ben Gil comes home!

So finally, he has a name. Eric Ben Gil Goldman. Its got a little of this and a little of that. Sivan and I brought him home Saturday afternoon and everything seems fine. We are both still very tired but things are going ok. My parents are getting ready for the brit and Sivan and I are diaper changing machines since he is starting to crap like a nut. PS- Some of you did not know that clicking on any picture in these blogs enlarges it to full screen.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Little Goldman Day 3 meeting the Grandparents

Hey everyone,
Day 3 went well the grandparents came
for a visit. Sivan stayed one extra night and then the next day we went home.

Everything so far is great but, we are both very very tired. We appreciate the warm wishes and great comments that everyone has sent, and appreciate the patience everyone is showing us in regards to visiting.
Joy came by 2 days ago for a quick visit.

As I said above the grandparents came by the next day and had a great time meeting and holding the baby.

My dad was very happy to hold the little one, and so was sivan's mother.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

There is a NEW Goldman in the House!!!

The day started out great but by 10AM we were already at St-Mary's. Sivan said, "yeh I think my water Broke!" It was so little water we could not tell. It Took the hospital about an hour, and they came back and said you are going to have to stay and wait, it is probably coming today. So by 11AM we were in the delivery room with a wonderful nurse called "Karen" taking care of us.
I tried to do my best to help Sivan but I was not so good. I encouraged her a lot but then at around 3 PM they began to induce her. Just around that time they changed nurses to one called Julie, and Joy showed up to lend a helping hand and our delivery team was complete.
Then we basically waited it out from 3-7PM they induced sivan till around 4.5 cm. At that point Sivan took the epidural. Joy and I went to get some snacks and came back to find Sivan in a much better mood. They began to induce her again at around 9 PM. From then things moved fast. By 10 She was ready to push the baby out. So 10:05 a student doctor and regular doctor came and asked if she wants to push now or wait a little bit because there is another patient that needs attention. The Doctor left and the student took over and Sivan started pushing anyways without waiting. She laughed the whole way through. The nurse said she never saw someone push out so fast during the last stage. Total time 24 minutes. And she lauphed and smiled the whole way through the end. GREAT JOB SIVAN!

This is how the baby looked when he came out.
He was 5 pounds 12 ounces. Born on January 4th, 2006 at 10:34PM. He is healthy and so is Sivan. May God Bless us all. PS- How he got blond we haven't figured out yet.

This morning Sivan was recovering, we both did not sleep much and are very tired. Both are still very healthy. Aside from that Ricki and Ilan, Sivan's Parents came to visit us and also Oren, Joy and Debbie. Everyone else will have to wait. The Bris will probably be next Thursday morning please wait for further details. Going back to the hospital now all the best to everyone.

This is junior as of this morning feeling good and sleeping well.

This is ricki when she arrived at the hospital straight from the Airport.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Party Dec 31. 2005

Happy New Year and welcome to 2006.

Had a lot of fun at the party last night at Jill's. JIll was very gracious to have it at her house! Good time looks like the last one for a little while since the baby is coming any day now.

There was lots of food. Too much, but it was very good especially the Sweet and Sour Chicken. Pasta was good too and Sivan made spinach salad which was scrumptious.

It was a lot of fun that everyone was ina good mood and enjoyed themselves.
As the night progressed people got more and more wasted! I kept waiting for someone to vomit, . . but it never happened. I know Tina and Cindy had a very good time!

We all know that Tina and Rob Schneider (Raffi Ron) has a fun time dancing.

All the best Jonathan